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SILICONE RUBBER BI-COMPONET: Isolation and Protection for Your Cables

By December 27, 2023No Comments


The use of electricity is undoubtedly one of the great discoveries made by humans. It has helped humanity progress incredibly and achieve feats that would have been difficult to imagine before its advent. However, there are numerous pitfalls associated with electric current. Fortunately, we have the privilege of effectively combating these risks with a wide range of products at our disposal, including electrical insulators.

The insulation of electrical circuits or simple cables is crucial from a safety perspective. This helps prevent short circuits and exposure to electric voltage, both of which can have potentially severe consequences when they occur.

Additionally, existing legislation often compels us to use electrical insulators for obvious reasons, as lawmakers prioritize the health and safety of citizens.

However, it’s essential to consider that insulation serves a dual purpose: it not only protects people from electrical devices, as mentioned earlier, but also shields electrical devices from external agents, extending their lifespan and delaying obsolescence. It serves as an excellent ally against natural wear and aging.
In essence, the use of a good insulator always proves to be an excellent choice for those who rely on it, thanks to its dual effect.

SILICONE RUBBER BI-COMPONET: Isolation and Protection for Your Cables

Silicone rubber bi-componet rubber finds its ideal application when used as an insulating agent for electrical cables. This application adds a high level of protection to our electrical cables, making them immune to various adversities encountered when exposed to different weather conditions and other factors. In fact, this solution is ideal against rain, snow, wind, ice, humidity, and natural agents in general, as well as human-made factors such as dust. This rubber proves to be a waterproof and flexible product, making it perfectly suitable for this purpose.

Another strength of this product lies in its extreme practicality. The preparation and application of the product are undeniably straightforward, making it usable by users of all levels, from professionals to hobbyists who engage in small DIY projects. The key to success lies in following a series of easy steps to ensure a smooth process.


As the name suggests, this two-component rubber consists of two different products, which we’ll refer to as part A and part B. These two parts are distinguished by different colors and technical specifications. Let’s look at the details:

  • Product Preparation:
    The silicone rubber bi-componet consists of two different products, which we’ll call part A and part B. These two parts should be present in equal weight in a mixture.
    Thoroughly mix the two components in the mixing pitcher in equal quantities using the provided spatula in the kit. The ideal mixing time is about two minutes at a temperature of 23 degrees Celsius to achieve a good amalgamation.
  • Product Application:
    After obtaining the mixture, you have between 12 and 15 minutes to pour the two-component rubber to its destination and use it to insulate cables or other electronic components.
    Before applying the rubber, ensure that the surface of the electronic component is clean and free of dust, grease, or dirt.
    You can evenly distribute the rubber on the surface. If you’re inexperienced, a brush or similar tool can help distribute the product more effectively, although it’s not essential.
  • Product Hardening:
    Once the rubber is applied, you must wait for the product to completely harden. Complete polymerization, at a temperature of 23 degrees Celsius, takes at least 60 minutes.
  • Final Result:
    Once the product has fully hardened, the insulation and protection work is complete. You can be satisfied with the results, as you have achieved increased safety and durability with a relatively short time investment.

Having completed this task, we can certainly consider ourselves satisfied because with minimal effort, we have achieved significant safety and performance improvements.

The peace of mind of feeling protected and safeguarded with so little effort is priceless!