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S LUB 100
S LUB 100 is a special lubricant for the installation of mini and micro optical fibre cables by means of a cable blowing machine S LUB 100 is aS LUB 20
S LUB 20 is a special lubricant for the installation of mini and micro optical fibre cables by means of a cable blowing machine S LUB 20 is whiteEPOXY RESIN
Two component epoxy system for isolation and encapsulation For further information, see the technical data sheet Download technicalGLISS® W
GLISS® W is designed to address the problems related to the installation of power, telephone, and fibre optic telephone cables Appearance: TheGLISS® WM-1
GLISS® WM-1 is designed to address the problems related to the installation of power, telephone, and fiber optic telephone cables by blowingNO ADESHIVE AB10
Water base Lubricant for production of rubber pipe by mandrel For further information, see the technical data sheet Download technicalS LUB 10
S LUB 10 is a special lubricant for the installation of mini and micro optical fibre cables by means of a cable blowing machine For furtherSLIDE SLIP
SLIDE SLIP is a very powerful, low viscosity sliding agent, suitable for laying any type of cable in cable ducts, piping, sheathings and racewaysWATERLESS HAND WASH
Hand washing gel for when there is no water Waterless Hand Wash comes from the experience of cosmetology and takes care of dirty hands when water is